Thinkpad 在 Linux 下新版本指纹识别驱动的安装与指纹实现管理员验证

1.Check your finger print device

  • example in device ID: 138:0090
  • and show device ID (for me) Bus xxx Device xxx: ID 138a:0090 Validity Sensors, Inc.

  • here are some integrated fingerprint Reader in thinkwiki

USB ID Reader Software
08ff:1600 Authentec AES1610 fprint
08ff:2580 Authentec AES2501 fprint
08ff:2810 Authentec 2810 supported by libfprint v0.5.0 onwards released December 2012
138a:0017 Validity Sensors, Inc. Fingerprint Reader (to test) Driver Patch as use case with T440 or gist sample Supported by libfprint v0.6.0
138a:0090 Validity Sensors RE work for validity90 fingerprint reader

2.Install packages

  • 2.1 Packages for Fingerprint GUI for Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 17.10, 18.04 and any distribution based thereupon

  • 2.2 Install fprintd (for me in device 138a:0090)

    • read the guide: Validity and libfprint in github

    • for ubuntu/linuxmint

      sudo apt install fpirntd
      sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:3v1n0/libfprint-vfs0090
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install libpam-fprintd
    • for archlinux

      sudo pacman -S fprintd
      yaourt -S libfprint-vfs0090-git

3.Enroll your finger print

  • add your signature for a finger (touch your finger device)

    • ! use sudo fprintd-enroll may have some bug
  • if not work

    for finger in {left,right}-{thumb,{index,middle,ring,little-finger}; do fprintd-enroll -f "$finger" "$USER"; done
    • e.g for finger in {left,right}-{thumb,{index,middle,ring,little-finger}; do fprintd-enroll -f "right-index-finger" "kevin"; done

    • ! here has a bug, you may need to add 10x4 times to add finger signature

4.Login configuration

  • read the guide in archlinux wiki

  • 4.1 For linuxmint

    • Add as sufficient to the top of the auth section of /etc/pam.d/runuser
    sudo nano /etc/pam.d/runuser
    auth sufficient
    auth sufficient
    session optional revoke
  • 4.2 For archlinux

    • Add as sufficient to the top of the auth section of /etc/pam.d/system-local-login


  • check the light of finger device
  • in linuxmint, print finger then click sign in
  • in archlinux, click enter then print finger